Langley Memorial Hospital — Hospital in Langley

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Langley Memorial Hospital

Hospital at 22051 Fraser Hwy, Langley, BC V3A 4H4, Canada, Langley, British Columbia, V3A 4H4 . Here you will find detailed information about Langley Memorial Hospital: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

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Based on 15 reviews


British Columbia
22051 Fraser Hwy, Langley, BC V3A 4H4, Canada, Langley, British Columbia, V3A 4H4
V3A 4H4

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About Langley Memorial Hospital

Langley Memorial Hospital is a UK Hospital based in Langley, British Columbia. Langley Memorial Hospital is located at 22051 Fraser Hwy, Langley, BC V3A 4H4, Canada,

Please contact Langley Memorial Hospital using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Langley Memorial Hospital opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Langley Memorial Hospital

  • Alice
    Added 2016.10.04
    Tuesday Nov 16th at 4:30. The 1st check in nurse with her hair in a bun, was the rudest person I have ever encountered. She conveniently had her name badge covered with a black jacket.
  • Cora
    Added 2016.03.19
    Proudly displayed on the wall is graphs showing that more and more people walk out every month without seeing a doctor while less and less are actually being treated. (Have pics).
  • Carter
    Added 2015.10.22
    Took my daughter in to get stitches and politely asked how long so that I could notify my work how long I'd be. Only to get a sour faced attitude. These are people that get paid by our hard earned tax dollars. These are public service jobs. If I was her boss she would be out of a job. Big mistake not going to Surrey.
  • Caleb
    Added 2015.09.14
    Worst waiting time in emergency!! Two days in a row! I understand each patient is dealt by prioritizing from serious to not so serious, but this was ridiculous! Also, I acknowledge that the emergency area is expected to be chaotic. However, staff is very slow some are rude, not enough attention for people who are coming in for HELP! System needs to be changed for more adequate care and faster service! Not trying to bash anyone but seriously would like to see some positive changes being implemented by those who are incharge for a better flow of medical emergencies!
  • Jackson
    Added 2015.05.22
    If I was shot on the doorstep of the Langley hospital I would drive to peace arch, surrey memorial or even VGH before even thinking of getting help from them.
  • Valentina
    Added 2015.02.03
    Over heard the doc telling a patient with a tongue condition that "she should go see a doctor" "-like my dentist?"- "ya, that's fine"....... Sooo you're not a doctor then?
  • Nevaeh
    Added 2014.12.07
    Cops brought in a crackhead who got faster service than everyone else, including the guy with a huge gash on his knee.
  • Anna
    Added 2014.09.16
    What a complete disgrace!!!! They need to clean house in the emergency department!
  • Sarah
    Added 2014.07.25
    Okay yes, long lines, yes people can be grumpy but it is a symptom of the bigger problem.... a problem with our health care. I was in on Jan 31st and thanks to a lack of clinics open the ER was packed. Luckily I got there at 8am and there was only 4 people ahead of me. I waited 3 hours and in that 3 hours over 40 people came in due to the fact the clinics that were open were lined out the door and there was no guarantee they would be seen so off the the ER they were forced to go. The nurses are doing the best they can with what they have. They were kind enough but you could see they were on edge from hours of abuse from sick people who are frustrated and taking it out on them. The doctors were great but over worked. Desperately trying to find the balance of doing a good job and being quick enough to get through the long line of people who need help. At the end of the day the doctors, nurses and staff are doing every thing they can to help. They need more staff, more beds, more more more... and it is something they cannot fix without significant help.... so I am giving 5 stars because as far as hospitals go we got in, we were seen and we got the medication I needed for my toddler. Was it a long wait, hell yes it was. But the staff was friendly and treated me with the same respect I treated them.... you get what you give.
  • Luke
    Added 2014.04.15
    Should be 0/5 stars!!!
  • Hazel
    Added 2014.02.05
    Spent well over 4 hours waiting for a 10 sec doctors visit who offered no help, no pain medications and no physical aid like a brace. And then still wanted to charge $25 for a note which is not mandatory but a doctors choice.
  • Leah
    Added 2013.11.21
    Rude from the start.
  • Lily
    Added 2013.08.14
    After 8 hours in the ER my blood sugar was starting to crash. I decided if I went home I could take a painkiller, eat, and die in my own bed. After all, if they thought everyone else who came in was more important than me, they couldn't think much was wrong. An elderly woman in a bed across from me (I never got a bed, I was still sitting in a chair) had called the nurse to say she had to go to the bathroom. Half an hour later I told another nurse that she still wasn't being cared for. Another fifteen minutes later someone came to say they'd get her a commode. About twenty minutes later, when I finally decided to leave, she still hadn't been taken care of.
  • Axel
    Added 2013.05.03
    Same doc was rude towards us. Couldn't understand difference between thumb and wrist pain. Sent us for wrong X-ray.
  • Jaxon
    Added 2013.05.02
    I will never make that mistake again!!!! 2 hours later with my daughter bleeding and not even close to get called in from the waiting room. Time to leave and go to Surrey.
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