CertaPro Painters — Painter in Langley

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CertaPro Painters

Painter at 19789 92a Ave, Langley, BC V1M 3B3, Canada, Langley, British Columbia, V1M 3B3 . Here you will find detailed information about CertaPro Painters: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 9 reviews


British Columbia
19789 92a Ave, Langley, BC V1M 3B3, Canada, Langley, British Columbia, V1M 3B3
V1M 3B3

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About CertaPro Painters

CertaPro Painters is a UK Painter based in Langley, British Columbia. CertaPro Painters is located at 19789 92a Ave, Langley, BC V1M 3B3, Canada,

Please contact CertaPro Painters using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find CertaPro Painters opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of CertaPro Painters

  • Cooper
    Added 2016.08.24
    I will say that the painting,cutting in was clean and the crew guys acted professional and were courteous and,although I wouldn't recommend Certa Pro for strata type work or big projects ,as the proper supervision is not prevalent,I am sure they would do a nice job on residential houses and similar type jobs.
  • Amelia
    Added 2016.08.20
    If asked,the off site foreman may tell you that I don't know what I am talking about but, I am not an old lady on the strata council who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to trade work.I have been in the business for 27 years,and a project foreman for 16 years working for a company that has been around for 33 years.I run 7 crews,a stucco crew,and pressure washing crews.This year we completed the exteriors of 4 five story strata "block" buildings,3 business strata buildings,a 20 story hotel,2 BCIT buildings,and 62 houses.That is a normal year for me so yes.I absolutely know what I am talking about .
  • Adrian
    Added 2015.12.14
    Certapro has painted the exterior of my house, and last year stained all my decks. I am very happy with them. If there is anything you are not happy with, they will make it right, right away. The guys went above and beyond for me. Would highly recommend them.
  • Piper
    Added 2015.09.11
    I used CertaPro for both my exterior last year and interior this year. The staff were helpful and the painters were very professional. It was a very easy experience both times and would absolutely recommend these guys to my friends and family.
  • Avery
    Added 2015.06.30
    First off,the pressure wash was done haphazardly as they were supposed to use bleach on the blackened areas which wasn't done for a lot of the affected areas.I know this because I watched the pressure washers for a half hour and not once was the bleach hand pump sprayer used(they may have used it in the court yard area as they can be easily seen in that area).You can smell bleach if it is being used,even 3-4 hours after the fact, and neither rain nor wind makes the smell go away .They did start using the bleach on the back of the building after I had mentioned it to the off site foreman.Note,when you can see wand marks on blackened areas,this is a good indication of a quick,once over type wash.
  • Penelope
    Added 2014.04.13
    We had our suite completed by Jason who did a detailed amazing job, Very professional & respectful of our property, and on time.
  • Skylar
    Added 2013.09.08
    Certa Pro did our strata and,in my opinion, we did not get what we paid for.
  • Adeline
    Added 2013.08.14
    We were supposed to get 2 coats and although we may have got that in some areas,we definitely did not get that on all the painted surfaces.A crew member actually told me that he was told "2 coats if it needs it" and although he may have just been hired,why would he say that?He was obviously being truthful because that is not something a foreman would want the customers to know.Fyi,if you are getting 2 coats,you shouldn't see areas with absolutely no fresh paint on it .These areas were seen after the the company had stated they were completely finished and a supposed inspection had been done .A crew guy/gal might miss an area once,but he/she sure the heck doesn't miss it twice if 2 coats were applied.
  • Thomas
    Added 2013.04.20
    I used CertaPro Painters and they were great!! Fast, efficient and easy to work with. I wish all of my experiences with contractors were like this.
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