Royal Canadian Mounted Police — Police in Langley

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Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Police at 22180 48a Ave, Langley, BC V3A 8B7, Canada, Langley, British Columbia, V3A 8B7 . Here you will find detailed information about Royal Canadian Mounted Police: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday
    8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Thursday
    8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Friday
    8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Saturday
    10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Sunday


Based on 8 reviews


British Columbia
22180 48a Ave, Langley, BC V3A 8B7, Canada, Langley, British Columbia, V3A 8B7
V3A 8B7

Photo gallery

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  • Office photos Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police road map
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police satellite image

About Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Royal Canadian Mounted Police is a UK Police based in Langley, British Columbia. Royal Canadian Mounted Police is located at 22180 48a Ave, Langley, BC V3A 8B7, Canada,

Please contact Royal Canadian Mounted Police using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Royal Canadian Mounted Police opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Royal Canadian Mounted Police

  • Aiden
    Added 2016.08.26
    im still young and from Scotland i love the rcmp and wish to join 1 day
  • Alexa
    Added 2016.07.15
    I have found that any of my questions and concerns were dealt with in courteous and professional manner. Remember people, this is not the Walmart customer service desk. By patient.
  • Grayson
    Added 2016.06.14
    Same analogy, some people blame alcohol for being drunk. Well, the real problem of those people who get drunk is that they really do NOT have drinking sense. It is NOT the problem with alcohol because people like myself only use alcohol when cooking. Instead of fining those who lack sense, the law punishes everyone who uses alcohol including those who use alcohol as cooking wine. Is that fair? In life, lacking common sense is the real problem. Those who lack driving sense can get into accidents even without a cellular phone, for example, looking for street names and addresses instead of focusing on the road, tailgating the vehicle in front of them, etc.
  • Greyson
    Added 2016.05.13
    Furthermore, instead of linking events together such as so and so used cellular phones and caused traffic accidents, etc., how about looking at real evidence (CAUSE AND EFFECT) of those using cellular phones and causing accidents, for example, police officers themselves, tow truck drivers, taxi drivers, etc. have always used electronic communications while driving, even before cellular phones are invented. How about gathering traffic accident statistics for those group of people and compare them to that of the general population even before cellular phones are invented? We all know that linking events together does NOT equate to proving the case with evidence (CAUSE AND EFFECT). For example, one can link Middle Easterners to terrorism, but we all know that the vast majority of Middle Easterners are NOT terrorists. As you can see, linking events together and pretending the link as evidence (CAUSE AND EFFECT) has ZERO validity in a court room. Using links as CAUSE AND EFFECT will give you the wrong conclusions nearly 100% of the time. The government agencies, politicians, police officers, judges, senators all use links as CAUSE AND EFFECT proves that they are NOT qualified for their positions in my opinion. Other examples of using links as CAUSE AND EFFECT including the claims that all Black people are dangerous, all White people are racists, all Middle Easterners are terrorists, etc.
  • Sophia
    Added 2015.02.19
    Please find a different line of work. Their not exactly liked by the canadian people, and for good reason. The complaints officer must be the department of holidays, because they do nothing at all. They might be the most pathetic police force. find a different career. that is my opinion
  • Natalie
    Added 2014.06.20
    I have a comment for the RCMP. Previously, I commented on the incompetent judges in British Columbia who have NO idea what is going on, I am now going to comment on the RCMP so Canadians can decide for themselves. The latest news is on "distracted driving" (driving while using cell phone or other electronic devices). My comment for the RCMP is that in a civilized society, the tickets that the RCMP issues under the "distracted driving" law will never hold in court. If the RCMP gives someone a ticket for "distracted driving", that is simply the RCMP's opinion or the incompetent judges' opinion that the driver has been distracted. If the defendant subpoenas the RCMP officer to court which the defendant has the right to do, and if the defendant cross examines the RCMP officer and asks the RCMP officer to answer the question under oath regarding whether or not the RCMP officer uses cellular phones or other electronic devices while driving, then the RCMP officer would have to tell the truth and say "YES", then all the defendant has to do is asking the RCMP officer, "Would you say that you yourself is a distracted driver?" What is the RCMP officer going to say? As you can see, the incompetent politicians, judges, etc. who thought about this law HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!
  • Leah
    Added 2014.05.05
    Ive had the displeasure of dealing with these terrorists. they will make you responsible for what one person alleges you didn't say. thats right Canadians you have to be responsible for what i may claim you didnt say. (canadas uttering threats law) Dont visit Canada if your American, because if your accustomed to the 5th amendment then you will be very disappointed in this so called police group. Canada has a third world police force. officer Philip Coulter is completely useless, and is a liability. he lets men that beat up children get their way. This police group cares nothing of children, they protect the beaters, rapists, , and only believe a women when they make a claim. Sexual bigotry is big in the rcmp. If you dont have a vagina they will think your lieing. Philip Coulter is a useless excuse of a police officer. Contact the iiou to get the rcmp watch dog on their backs, and dont call their bully supervisor Braidon . ( Canadian people must be embarrassed) complain people, you will make a difference, and put your kids first.
  • Oliver
    Added 2013.06.06
    If drivers cannot pick up their electronic communication device while driving, businesses in Canada will lose billions in extra fuel costs and lost working time when business drivers (ex. taxi, tow truck, delivery, trades drivers, etc.) have to get off the busy highway and find a place to park to use their electronic devices. Those billions lost in extra fuel costs and time have to be passed down to customers or businesses go bankrupt. THE BIGGEST KILLER IN CANADA IS POVERTY, NOT THE FEW WHO LACK DRIVING SENSE! Of course, I do NOT expect those with high positions to figure that out. They are the product of Canadian straight memorization universities who lack common sense!
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